sub to earn

Ensure That you have Enough spoty coins in your wallet before placing an ad.

IMPORTANT: YouTube heavily removes subscribers. You can lose over 80% of the subscribers you get because of YouTube Subscribe Policy!

Read More About Youtube Subscribers Policy

Please note that YouTube heavily removes subscribers.

YouTube algorithm is based upon the importance of the content, views generated, content quality, the number of videos and overall popularity/trend of the channel and determine if the subscription will stay or not. EyeFocuz community will not refund spoty Coins if YouTube removes the interaction or is a result of any activity of the members after they successfully interacted with your channel.

The best chances that the generated subscribers will stay on your channel is if you submit multiple videos on our View and Like features, but it is in no way a guarantee of success. 


Note! The advert you are about to place is to gain subscribers, therefore, the link you are to fill in the form below should be your YouTube general link and not a video link.


If what you want is views on your video

If what you want is Likes on your video

If what you want is Subscribers in your Channel, Fill The Form Below.

Ensure That you have Enough spoty coins in your wallet before placing an ad.

Input your details correctly and place an ad with your spoty coin.

Note That 3 Spoty Coins Gives You One Subscriber


You must be logged in to place an ad.